Shakira and DNA films. Just a lot of wonderful hip shaking for this Shakira music video, where HD video assist was essential to all the parties involved.
This HD shoot for Mirror Films was a 3 camera run-n-gun with director Kevin Kerslake. One professional hd camera and 2 small consumer hd cameras were used to achieve the complex action shots for this bayer spot. Small digital converters were attached to the cameras in order to change the consumer connections to pro connections and give agency/director full HD record and playback. If there is a solution we will find it![tt_news]=184&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1930&cHash=b2b383f5b0
We shot three different promos for season 2 of HBO’s Hung, all which were shot on the Red camera. Bobby Digital provided the set with the latest HD Video Assist Package. Shot partially on stage and at the Renaissance hotel. I wonder if the hotel guests on the other floors heard all the moaning from our shoot?
The Jenny Craig spots w/Mirror Films were all shot on film cameras. Our new HD packages are also HD/SD Hybrids, so when shooting with film we just plug in the SD panel and voila! Also, we encourage our clients to check out the new HD video taps for Film Cameras that are now being offered at Camtec and Clairemont camera. So basically, you can have HD video assist even when shooting with film cameras.
This Armani spot was produced through DNA and helmed by fashion icon Jean Baptiste Mondino. Shot for Europe with HD cameras at 1080/25PSF. Our rigs record and playback in any of the foreign formats- be it PAL or PAL HD (25PSF).
This Paul Sebastian commercial was shot in black & white on the RED, and looked absolutely stunning on the HD monitors. The clients were ecstatic staring at the beautiful images on the Panasonic 26” HD monitor. Talk about lightning striking twice- the owner of Paul Sebastian is also the owner of Patron Tequila.
Imaginary Forces/New England Weather opted to Shoot with the digital high speed Weisscam for this Bryer’s commercial. Catapulting green F/X balls into the ice cream that will be composited into flying cookie dough in post. We played back at 2000 FPS – cool stuff. A 50/50 mix of two HD images was required from us on set in order achieve a reference of two shots blended.
On the ‘Entourage’ promo we were able to use our newest HD/SD Hybrid package in the ultimate situation — a Red camera on a techno-crane, a modified hand-cranked film camera on sticks and a Arri 435 on a dolly. We were shooting two different promos simultaneously and everything came down to shooting both these promos at magic hour. We were continually changing between two film cameras and the Red and a film camera. Simultaneously recording and synching HD and SD cameras — that’s what these carts were built to do!
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